Maybe you would rather never get out of bed than leave the house looking disheveled with just a touch of greasy hair and a band tee shirt on underneath an unbuttoned flannel shirt, but chances are at some point in the 90's you too took part in this roll out of bed grunge look. Well to continue the summer of retro trends it looks like fall of 2010 will bring back the "Nirvana 90's" Teen and young adults everywhere will be sporting this look, and rocking their plaid, flannel shirts. Here are some things to remember when you break out your grunge look this fall.

1. Grunge style is defined by natural fabrics, fashioned into timeless work-wear styles. During the 90's these clothes were worn with careless ease and relaxed nonchalance, in fact the less effort it look like you spent, the better your outfit was received. However the times have changed, and the grunge look the 2nd time around will be more about getting a get fitting item and combining it with the ease of the natural fabrics. Half the challenge of wearing grunge well is the attitude, the other half is going to be finding fabrics that fit your body and accentuate your best features.
2. The 90's grunge style was pulled off by people who believed in themselves first, then their clothes. They wore old clothes in natural fabrics, in traditional colors. Returning to this look is more about self-confidence than just buying something off the rack. Don't be scared to spend a little less time in front of the mirror getting ready, just put on your garb and ooze confidence.
3. Keep in mind you don't have to become a full on Seattle rock star to sport a little grunge. As Rihanna shows us here on a shopping trip, you can mix and match to find a level of comfort you're ok with.
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